

Do The Right Thing - panel

Pep Rally for Good

Deborah Okenla

Deborah Okenla is the Founder and CEO of YSYS (Your Startup, Your Story); a startup community for founders, developers, creatives, and investors on a mission to open doors of opportunity for diverse talent within the startup ecosystem.

They run two programmes FoundersDoor and TalentDoor for diverse talent to launch startups and get tech jobs. Since 2017 they have provided access to opportunities for over 8,000 individuals across the UK.

She's a passionate advocate for black women in entrepreneurship and has been recognised by the Mayor of London for her advocacy through her campaign #WhereAreTheFaces, spotlighting black women in STEM and venture capital.

Recently, Deborah was named The UK's Top 100 Black and Minority Ethnic Leaders in Technology by the FT.

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