
Development & Engagement Track

Weeknotes for your personal development

I started writing weeknotes two years ago. A relative newcomer to the civil service and lost in a bureaucratic maze I struggled to know my place in such a large and hierarchical organisation. Being a “digital generalist” it can be hard to find your feet as a person who doesn’t specialise. I would like to take people on a journey through my weeknoting, talk a bit more about how to get started, and share what I’ve learned about myself in the process and how this has informed where I am now.

Sam Villis

Sam has a varied background across web development, eCommerce and Advertising but moved into the UK Civil Service in 2015. She has held roles in the Cabinet Office, Government Digital Service and now works within the Local Digital Collaboration Unit at the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government.

An advocate of building communities, Sam works with diversity networks and is an active participant of the One Team Gov movement, most recently coordinating and  co-authoring a Radical Vision for the Future of Government which has been published by the Innovation Foundation, Nesta.

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